quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

Paris (MNET) MB Paris Kpop


ent to Paris on February 5 to see the festival (Music Bank), I stayed for 4 days with a colleague at the hostel (Rue Hector Malot, Blue Planet).
 It was freezing cold, sharing the room eh it was the funny part, and I walked so much GOOSH o.o
 was horrible.
 Ok for the beginning.
 I had flight from Airfrance and I paid around beautiful 95 pound for the ticket. But it wasn't nice to get to Heathrow to catch the plane, because in London also was snowing, and did not have trains to get to Terminal 4. I was worried for my flight,  but I've caught the bus, I walked in the midle of the night, around 3 in morning o.o, and I got it. I was exhausted, and still arrive at the hostel find myself that I can not stay in the hostel from 11 o clock, but , everything went well, I ate macarron, and French delicacies, I went to the Louvre. . I saw everything and anything. But to return was even worse, because the flight were canceled. But anyway in the end we saw the concert and was the best .

So .


Eu fui a Paris no dia  5 de Fevereiro para ver o festival (Music Bank), fiquei 4 dias com uma colega no hostel (Blue Planet rue Hector malot).
Estava um frio de rachar, a partilha do quarto eh que foi a parte engracada. Mas conheci quase tudo, e andei tanto, mas tanto, que nem vos digo. o.o
foi horrivel.
Ok do principio.
Fui pela Airfrance e paguei um lindo bilhete de 95 libras. Mas o bonito foi chegar a heatrow para apanhar o aviao, pos em londres tambem estava a nevar, e ja nao tinha metro para chegar a terminal 4 . ai foi lindo, apanhei bus,  andei, mas la cheguei. estava exausta, e ao chegar no hostel ainda me deparo que nao posso ficar  no hostel a partir das 11, mas ao contrario disso, correu tudo bem, comi macarron, e as delicias francesas, fui ao luvre. . Vi tudo e mais alguma coisa. Mas para voltar a foi ainda pior, porque havia cancelamentos . Mas enfim no fim das contas vimos o concerto e fomos ao melhor festival do mundo. xp

My pictures

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