quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

Weight Loss - Perdendo Peso 2012

One of the things that I most hate its care about my weight. The stupid thing its because
I know im skinny but  when I eat to much for one week, next week im gonna be like
AHHHHH probably Im fat now. o.o yeah but I know Im not , same 50 kg. but 0.o but
Im CRAZY. but hey YOLO. xD i need to say that.

For those ones who want to start a diet I search for something  with this weird name
THE ABC DIET, and works for me. xD but I only made one week to loose 2 kg. xD i know stupid thing, but I do not know much about it. I think most of the girls are really pretty, and they should be proud of them, but anyway, we nee to care about our body ass well. I will let u this weird diet, search more for this, and calculate ur calories, to know how much ypu need to put inside of you. xp. kisse dolls and good luck.
Dont forget to make some exercises. Its the better option.
I will post more soon about diets, and what to eat, and how to be perfect for the summer. Eat lot of vegetables, and fruits. Drink lot, and lot of water.

Uma das coisas que eu mais odeio eh preocupar-me com o meu peso. A coisa estúpida É porque eu sei que estou magra, mas quando eu como muito por uma semana, eu na próxima semana vai ser assim
 (Ahhhhh provavelmente Estou gorda agora. o.o sim, mas eu sei que eu não estou, os mesmos 50 kg. mas 0.o mas)
Eu estou louca. mas hey Yolo. xD eu preciso dizer isso.
 Para aqueles que querem começar uma dieta eu procurei e encontrei algo com esse nome estranho A DIETA ABC, e funcionou. xD mas eu só fiz uma semana para perder 2 kg. xD eu sei que coisa estúpida

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